Tuesday, July 21, 2015


               AND, MORE MANGOES!!

We love this time of year.  Lots of sun, long days and afternoon storms to knock these luscious mangoes to the ground for easy picking. 

Then again....if you have a fishing net, you don't have to wait or take only the low hanging fruit!

They make very pretty centerpieces....

And, prep is easy....once you know the easy way to "peel'n'dice."  Cut lengthwise, on either side of the seed, then score...and turn the skin, inside out...

...cut out cubes, as close to the skin as you can and, you have it! 

They are wonderful!!  Sneak a bite (or few) during the prep.  They are sweet, creamy and juicy.  Serve them, just chilled... by themselves, on cereal, ice cream, pudding. 

Or, in Salsas...cold.

Or, Salsas...hot!!  With blackened Tuna

Or, in breads and muffins.

Or...Soup!  Cold'n'creamy

Or spicy hot!!

Steamy hot, too...

 And, then, there are always those odd pieces of mango or too much for your recipe. 

DEHYDRATE!!  Bake at 250 till almost crisp!

Odd looking, but.... Oh!! SO YUMMY!!!!!


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